How to Identify and Develop Future Leaders in Your Organisation

How to Identify and Develop Future Leaders in Your Organisation

Leadership is a critical aspect of any organisation’s success, and identifying and developing future leaders is essential for maintaining growth and sustainability. But how do you identify those employees who have the potential to become great leaders, and how can you train them and develop their skills to help them reach their full potential?

In this blog, we’ll explore some strategies for identifying and developing future leaders in your organisation.

Why is Identifying Future Leaders Important?

Identifying future leaders is crucial for many reasons, impacting individuals, and organisations alike. Here are some key points to consider:

For individuals:

  • Unlocks potential: Recognising leadership potential and providing opportunities for development can help individuals flourish, reach their full potential, and achieve personal satisfaction.
  • Motivation and engagement: Knowing they have potential for leadership roles can significantly motivate and engage individuals, leading to increased performance and contributions.
  • Career growth: Identifying future leaders opens up pathways for career advancement, providing individuals with access to new challenges and opportunities.

For organisations:

  • Sustainability and succession planning: Proactively identifying and nurturing future leaders ensures a smoother transition and continuity of leadership within organisations, preventing potential disruptions and knowledge gaps.
  • Innovation and adaptability: High-potential leaders often bring fresh perspectives and innovative ideas, helping businesses to adapt to changing markets, circumstances and remain competitive.
  • Improved performance and morale: Effective leadership builds a positive work environment, boosts employee morale, and ultimately leads to better organisational performance.

Identifying Potential Leaders

One of the first steps in working to develop future leaders is identifying employees who have the potential to take on leadership roles. Here are some strategies for identifying potential leaders in your organisation:

  1. Look for High Performers – Research has shown that high-performing employees are more likely to become successful leaders (1). Look for employees who consistently exceed expectations and show a strong work ethic.
  2. Observe Employee Interactions – Pay attention to how employees interact with their colleagues and leaders. Those who show strong communication and collaboration skills may have the potential to become successful leaders.
  3. Assess Personal Traits – Certain personal traits, such as adaptability, resilience, and emotional intelligence, are often indicators of leadership potential (2). Use expert psychometric profiling with potential leadership candidates to identify personal traits to identify those who may have the potential to become future leaders.
  4. Solicit Feedback – Ask colleagues and supervisors to provide feedback on employees’ performance and potential for leadership roles. This can help identify employees who may have been overlooked or who have potential that hasn’t been fully recognised.

Here are some additional points to consider:

  • Identifying future leaders is not simply about finding individuals with the highest grades or the loudest voices. It requires looking for a combination of skills, traits, and potential, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, collaboration, and emotional intelligence.
  • Effective identification methods involve a multi-faceted approach, including performance reviews, assessment tools, mentorship programs, and opportunities for leadership development.
  • Nurturing future leaders is equally important. Organisations should provide training, coaching, and opportunities for them to gain experience and grow their skills.

Developing Future Leaders

Once you’ve identified potential leaders in your organisation, the next step is to develop their skills and help them reach their full potential. Here are some strategies for developing future leaders:

  1. Provide Leadership Training – Offer leadership training and development programs to employees who have the potential to become future leaders. These programs can help them develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in leadership roles.
  2. Assign Mentors – Assign mentors to employees who are being considered for leadership roles. Mentors can provide guidance and support as employees develop as future leaders.
  3. Encourage Networking – Encourage employees to attend industry events and conferences, and to network with other professionals in their field. This can help them build relationships and develop the skills they need to become successful leaders.
  4. Offer Stretch Assignments – Offer employees stretch assignments that challenge them to develop new skills and take on new responsibilities. This can help them build their confidence and prepare them for leadership roles.


Identifying and developing future leaders is essential for maintaining the growth and sustainability of any organisation and a critical element of succession planning. By using these strategies to identify potential leaders and develop their skills, you can build a strong leadership pipeline and ensure the long-term success of your organisation.


  1. Mone, E. M., Eisinger, C., & Guggenheim, K. (2017). What do we know about high potential programs? A review and directions for future research. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 38(2), 139-152.
  2. Conger, J. A. (1999). Charismatic and transformational leadership in organizations: An insider’s perspective on these developing streams of research. The Leadership Quarterly, 10(2), 145-179.
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