What is a Headhunter and Why They Won't Find You a Job?

What is a Headhunter and Why They Won’t Find You a Job?

Headhunters, also known as executive recruiters, play a significant role in the job market. But what is a headhunter? – They are professional consultants hired by companies to search for and recruit the very best talent for specific roles – typically senior leadership roles.

Many job seekers, however, misunderstand the role of headhunters and have unrealistic expectations about what headhunting is, and how it can help in finding them a job. In this article, we will delve into what headhunters do and explain why they won’t find you a job.

What Headhunters Do?

Headhunters specialise in identifying and recruiting highly qualified candidates for senior-level and executive positions within organisations. They are also sometimes tasked on more junior roles which are hard to fill.

Here are some key functions and activities of headhunters:

  1. Client Consultation:
    • Understand in detail the client’s hiring needs, company culture, and job requirements.
    • Develop a clear job description and candidate brief which is honest about expectations, limitations, challenges and the overall offer.
  2. Market Research:
    • Conduct market research and talent mapping to identify potential candidates and assess the competitive landscape.
    • Use specialist knowledge to find the talent that may not be actively looking for a job (often referred to as “passive candidates”).
  3. Candidate Sourcing:
    • Utilise various methods to source candidates, including networking, industry contacts, social media, and professional associations.
    • Build an omni-channel approach to approach and entice potential candidates who fit the desired criteria.
  4. Screening and Evaluation:
    • Conduct initial interviews to assess candidates’ skills, experience, and fit for the role.
    • Evaluate candidates against the job specifications and company culture.
    • Use professional psychometric profiling as part of their assessments.
  5. Presentation to Client:
    • Present a shortlist of qualified candidates to the client, highlighting their strengths and suitability for the role.
    • Provide detailed profiles and summaries of each candidate.
  6. Coordination of Interviews:
    • Arrange interviews between the client and shortlisted candidates.
    • Provide feedback to both parties after each interview round.
  7. Negotiation and Offer Management:
    • Assist in negotiating job offers, including salary, benefits, and other terms of employment.
    • Facilitate the offer acceptance and resignation processes.
  8. Follow-up:
    • Maintain contact with both the client and the candidate during the onboarding process.
    • Ensure a smooth transition and address any issues that may arise.
  9. Confidentiality:
    • Handle the recruitment process with a high level of confidentiality, as often the roles headhunters work on are sensitive or high-profile roles.

Headhunters Find The Best Candidates For Their Clients, Not Jobs For Candidates

Contrary to popular belief, headhunters do not actively search for jobs for individual candidates like traditional recruitment companies may do. Their main objective is to identify the best candidates for their clients, which are the companies that hire them as professional consultants.

This means that headhunters are primarily focused on finding the very best candidates who have the skills, experience, and qualifications required for a specific role. They rely on their expertise and network to approach potential candidates and convince them to consider the opportunity presented by their client.

How To Position Yourself To Be Found By A Headhunter

To increase your chances of being found by a headhunter, it is essential to position yourself as a desirable candidate in your field.

Firstly, ensure that your professional profiles, such as LinkedIn, are up to date and reflect your skills and achievements accurately. Additionally, actively engage in industry-specific events, conferences, and networking activities to expand your connections. Building a strong personal brand through thought leadership and demonstrating expertise in your domain can also attract the attention of headhunters.

In Summary…

It is crucial to understand that the role of a headhunter is primarily focused on finding the best candidates for specific roles, rather than directly finding jobs for individual candidates. However, by positioning yourself effectively, you can increase your visibility to headhunters and improve your chances of being considered for opportunities. Remember to keep your professional profiles up to date, actively engage in industry events, and build a strong personal brand to catch the attention of headhunters.

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CJPI Insights
CJPI Insights Editor

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