Authentic Leadership: Being True to Self and Team

Authentic Leadership: Being True to Self and Team

Authentic leadership is a powerful style of management and is essential for achieving both individual and team success. It involves the leader being true to their own values, as well as their team’s, and applying the principles of honesty, integrity and respect to the workplace, and the people in it. In this article, we will discuss the definition of authentic leadership, as well as the benefits of being true to both self and team.

Defining Authentic Leadership

Authentic leadership can be defined as “a process of creating meaning, developing others, and leading change through the integrated development of self, others, and the social context”. It involves the leader being true to their own values and beliefs, while at the same time respecting the values and beliefs of the team they are leading. Authentic leaders are self-aware, open to feedback and criticism, and will always strive to do the right thing, regardless of the situation or circumstances.

Authentic leadership also involves the leader giving honest feedback and holding their team accountable when necessary. The leader will lead by example and demonstrate the same values that they expect from their team. They will also empower their team to make decisions and take ownership of their tasks, while at the same time being available to provide guidance and support.

Authentic leadership requires the leader to have a deep understanding of their team and the dynamics that exist between members. The leader will be able to identify individual strengths and weaknesses and use this knowledge to guide the team to success.

Benefits of Being True to Self

Being true to oneself is essential for developing authentic leadership skills. It involves being honest with oneself and having the courage to accept one’s own weaknesses and limitations. The leader will be able to learn from their mistakes and use this knowledge to become a better leader.

Being true to oneself also involves having the confidence to take risks and trust in one’s own judgement. The leader will have the courage to make decisions that may not be popular but are in the best interests of the team. This will not only lead to better decision-making but also foster a culture of trust and respect within the team.

By being true to oneself, the leader will be able to create a strong sense of identity and purpose for themselves and their team. They will be able to define their vision and set clear objectives for the team to achieve. This will help motivate team members and drive them towards success.

Benefits of Being True to Team

When a leader is true to their team, they will be able to create a positive and supportive environment where team members can thrive. The leader will be able to foster open communication and trust between team members and create an atmosphere of mutual respect. This will lead to better collaboration and higher levels of productivity.

Being true to the team also involves actively listening to their ideas and concerns and taking them into consideration when making decisions. The leader will be able to show that their team’s opinions are valuable and that their success is the leader’s priority. This will lead to greater job satisfaction and a stronger sense of loyalty among team members.

The leader will be able to create a strong team culture where everyone is working together for a common goal. They will be able to recognize individual achievements and successes and celebrate them as a team, which will lead to greater job satisfaction and a stronger sense of loyalty.

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CJPI Insights
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